Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Life is hard.
But life is supposed to be hard if not, we're just gonna be the same person as we were yesterday and I don't hate it, but I dislike being stuck in the same place. Especially when I'm stuck in it for a long time. I like knowing that I am growing everyday, even though I did not realised it until I glimpse a little bit back to the past and see that things has changed and I have changed as well. Even just the idea of me growing is already makes me feel good.

Change is inevitable, but sometime we need it. Sometimes, its what we want. Sometimes, its a good thing. Sometimes its not, but we just have to do it. Get through it. Knowing that I still have two good legs, two good hands, or all of my organs and parts of my body still intact, I'm pretty sure life is not that hard. Maybe its still is, since we all going through different thing but doesn't mean that it can't be change.

Sometimes, its all a matter of perspective, you know.
You can decide how you see the things that you went or are currently going through.
If you see it as a tragedy, so it will be a tragedy. If you see it as a lesson, so it will be a lesson.
But if you see it as just a bump on the road, then it will be just that, a bump on the road and not a big giant crack caused by an earthquake.
In other words, sometimes we decide how we want to live and see our lives and how we want to feel about it. We means you.

Take control of your life, don't let it control you.
Take control of your feelings, don't let it control you. And don't let anyone control it.
Sometimes you have to stand up for yourself. Even from yourself.
Sometimes our thoughts imprison us from doing whatever it is we wanted to do, from saying the things that is not should left unsaid, and the worst part, sometimes from letting us grow or simply keeping us from being happy. It doesn't have to be that way you know. I know its easier to be said than done, but it can be done. Just always remember that nothing is impossible. Someone had already done the thing that you thought impossible and they really did make it happen, so its just that tinny voice inside your head that told you that its impossible to be done, when its not. So stop making excuses and do it. Face it. Face whatever it is that you have to face with courage. Not without fear, but with courage. Because sometimes its good that you still feel fear, it means you still have something to lose for and it means that you still have something that matter in your life.

I can tell you about how I am feeling right now or what has been happening, but I vowed to myself to talk less about myself and start listening to what others has to say, so I guess that is why I'm writing about making amends even to yourself. A couple of times I told someone that I feel like I won't need any shrink if anything happen, because I feel like I am my own shrink. You wanna know why? Because I can tell myself whenever I'm in denial. No, I'm not crazy or having any mental breakdown, I just talk to myself, a lot, sometimes. But no again, I do not hear any voices or see anything, I promise.

I guess that's just what happen when you see things differently. When you accept the things that is happening in this world, or at least just in your life. I guess, that is what happen when you let yourself feel and get in touch with your intuitive side.

But if you ever find yourself stuck or got dragged back into the dark, just know that its okay. Feel. Grief. Be sad. Cry. Be angry. But then, turn on the light and see that even on your darkest day, there will still be light if you just take a moment to see it. And its better to feel than to feel nothing. It hurt, because it matter. And feeling all happy and quirky all the time is just not normal, so cut yourself some slack, you can put the mask down and just let it all out.

Life is hard. Its supposed to be hard. Doesn't mean it should control or lead your life.
Life is hard. Its supposed to be hard or it simply just is, but it doesn't have to be.
Life is hard enough, why make it harder?
Maybe, instead of making excuses or complaining about it being hard, maybe, we should just make the most of it and make it less harder for ourselves.
It sucks to feel. Hell, you have no idea how suck it is. But maybe you do have some idea about it. Maybe you don't.
If you're in a dark place right now, stop. Take a look around. Maybe your life is hard, maybe it suck, but is it because it is, or because you just made it that way or see it that way?
Stop, take a moment and look around you. Then look yourself in the mirror. Do you like what you're seeing? Do you like the person you have become?
Life is hard, sometimes its not your fault. Sometimes it is. Stop blaming your mistakes on anybody. Stop. Because sometimes, its nobodies fault. But look again. Do you still dislike what you're seeing in the mirror? Do you still not like the person you have become? If the answer is yes, do something about it. Change it.

Maybe your past is a horrible place to be in. Maybe your present is as horrible or just as awful. But your future is not here yet, you can still do something about it. So why not do something about it?
Go out to the world, try to climb out of the darkness and turn on the light.
Be the light and show it to the whole goddamn universe.
Because life is hard, but don't forget to be and to feel grateful and try not to take things for granted because someone out there is having their worst day and its worse that yours.
Life is hard, life is full of evil. But its also full of goodness. You can decide which one you want to be; good or evil. And if you're or if you think you're one of the evil in this world, its not too late to change. Its never too late.
Life is hard, but it doesn't have to be that way and you just have to keep reminding yourself that.
Life is hard, but at least you're still breathing. Or at least you can breath normally.
Life is hard, if only you see it that way.

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